Monday, July 13, 2009

Bog/Bear Mtn.

Today was a great experience. I was very happy to get outside and explore a little bit of what the ADK's had to offer.
It was my first time on a bog (as far as I know anyway).. so that was something new and exciting. I really just learned about bogs from doing some of the readings for this course, so it was neat to finally see what I learned through books in real life. I loved the fact that we had our own personal tour guide of the bog as well, because without him I never would have stopped to listen to birds or look at different plant life and actually touch plants and learn new things about them. Relating to the classroom-- to often we just tell our students about things life bogs, but never bring them out to see one in real life. It is just a whole new experience and understanding when you are actually face to face with something like that.
The hike to Black Bear mtn. was very nice and pretty relaxing. The view was great. I love getting to the top of mountains, you always appreciate your hike and the view so much more. That feeling of accomplishment and appreciation is great-- I love that about hiking! Again having a guide was another added bonus, I even learned about snakes (although I stilll wouldn't touch one) I did stand much closer to it than I probably ever have before! But even something like showing students how the snake was eating would be great, because again we talk about food chains and learn about what animals eat, but don't go out in the wild and see it happen with students.
Over all it was a great exploration! :)

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